Monday, March 14, 2011


Beloved, I want u to know that, Every step is for the purpose of drawing us closer, conforming us to the image of Christ. And hardship is the tool which seems to best accomplish this goal. We all might prefer that God would shape us through praise and blessings, but we seem to respond best to all part of the processes to grow in the Lord. It’s hardship which reminds us of our dependence on God when we’ve begun to trust in our own abilities and understanding. It’s hardship which brings us back to our knees in prayer after long seasons of silence. Its hardship which develops the character of a mature believer: remember James said “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).
As difficult as this truth may be to accept and understand, part of God’s plan is for us to experience some hardship. Not all hardship can be said to come from God, but in our lost and fallen world where we come to God filled with pride and arrogance, hardship is often the only way to humble our spirit and soften our heart. Our Heavenly Father loves us enough do whatever it takes to draw us closer to His side – even when this means being strengthened by hardship. my dear brother I will like to know if you have CHRIST in your life as your personal savoir? please if not allow Him to come into your life and u will not regret doing that. if you have Him already don't stop praying till His will be done in you. stay bless. From: Naana Adolley.

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